Full Circle on Arbuthnot Road: A Family Legacy

Arbuthnot Road is more than just a street for Girish Jhunjhnuwala, the founder of Ovolo Hotels.

It’s where his family home once stood, rich with memories that shaped his identity.

Growing up in Hong Kong’s vibrant Central district, Girish was inspired by the lively energy around him, fuelling his passion for hospitality.

Today, Ovolo Central, the first hotel established by Ovolo, proudly stands on this cherished street.

This hotel serves as a tribute to his roots, blending comfort and local charm while reflecting the city’s dynamic spirit.

Through Ovolo Central, Girish not only honours his past but also invites others to experience the vibrant essence of Hong Kong that has always inspired him.





你想不想與Eric哥哥來一場創意滿滿的藝術Zoom課呢?💻🎨👩‍🎨👨‍🎨我們很榮幸成為@hknevernormal的合作夥伴,致力分享香港這座城市的非凡故事。Follow @hknevernormal 發掘更多精彩故事!

Uncle Eric Art Studio

A Shot At A Dream Home

Imagine getting your COVID-19 jab and walking away with a million-dollar apartment. 💉🏠

That’s exactly what happened to Mr. Lee, a 35-year-old chef, who won an apartment worth over HK$12 million in Hong Kong’s vaccination lottery.

Designed to boost vaccination rates among Hong Kongers, the lottery included a variety of prizes, including cash-loaded credit cards and shopping vouchers.

How would you react if your vaccination won you a flat?

Revolutionizing Music Education in Hong Kong 🎻🎹

Meet Madeline Kam, a visionary in the world of music education and a proud Hong Konger. 🌟 As the Asia Consultant to the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Madeline has been instrumental in shaping music teaching in the region. She was the first to introduce a first-class music MA course from the European String Teachers Association (ESTA), blending face-to-face learning with distance education—a groundbreaking approach to teaching music skills.

Her innovative vision is giving the next generation of musicians and teachers in Hong Kong a unique, world-class way to grow and learn. 🎼✨

Which aspect of Hong Kong inspires your creativity? Let us know below!👇

We’re proud to share this story as part of the @hknevernormal campaign, celebrating the extraordinary spirit of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

A COLOURFUL NOSTALGIA: Introducing Kitty Wong

Kitty Wong is an award winning illustrator based in Hong Kong. Having spent her formative years in Canada, Kitty has been capturing the memories she has of her childhood city Hong Kong for over a decade. She is best known for her fashion sketches, which celebrate the bold, vibrant and colourful world of haute couture.

Her recent works resonate as a love letter to her childhood city, caricaturising its famed landmarks, cuisine and heritage with a dash of whimsy, sass, and vibrancy. Through whimsical portrayals of Hong Kong’s iconic Hong Kong Cha Chaan Teng dishes, street food, bustling traffic, and even fun Cantonese expressions, she has captured the hearts of many locals and Asian diasporas.

Time travel back to the Hong Kong of your childhood memories with Kitty.

Young Soy is sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

Young Soy

“香港地遍地都係非比尋常嘅想法I’m not the only one”


Serrini @gwendolyn.spot : 作為一個平常來講都非常「唔尋常」的異類歌手/唱作人/普通市民來說,每日活著就是非常有趣嘅體驗。我一直希望廣交更多人類朋友,連結港大(廣大)嘅市民,並非常自然地結交寵物、兒童新朋友,最直接嘅做法係走入社區,聆聽民意,以心連心。”

“鑽石娛樂選擇喺山道63號B開設一間社區小店 “樹店” @shuuudim,書籍雜貨一應俱全,自開業起,樹店慢慢成為社區熱點。由於地點座落三間小學的中間,每日放學時間都被學生喧嘩聲圍繞。免費嘅「夾公仔機」、自由借閱嘅店內藏書、清幽的花園環境都令唔少區內學生嚟「齋坐」,好不熱鬧。”

“令更多人能感受到連結嘅快樂(the joy of connection)就係我哋鑽石娛樂嘅快樂。香港地遍地都係非比尋常嘅想法,I’m not the only one 🎄。”



維港泳自1906年創辦,雖然曾經停辦多年,但近年重新復辦,成為香港最具代表性的游泳盛事之一。歐鎧淳@stephaniehsau 亦都曾經參加了這個盛事,與千幾名泳手一同在維港中暢泳,體驗這個「香港不一樣」的瞬間。🏊🏻‍♀️



Stephanie Au

Stitching hope

Empowering Lives Through Handcrafted Leather

Behind every handcrafted piece is a powerful story of empowerment.

Broken Fingers Plus is a social enterprise that’s been collaborating with a Hong Kong sheltered workshop for over 9 years, providing training opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Our hand-stitched leather bags and wallets are more than just beautiful accessories; they’re testaments to talent, resilience, and the transformative power of meaningful work.

Support us in creating opportunities for individuals with disabilities to showcase their talents, helping them shine bright in our society.

We’re sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

Broken Fingers Plus

The Last Fish Farmer

Did you know that Hong Kong was once a small fishing village? 🐟 🌾

Now a bustling metropolis, there are fewer than 950 fish farms left in the city.

Fung Heung-Lan runs one of the last. She inherited her fish farm from her father-in-law and has spent over fifty years preserving her family’s legacy and local fish farming culture.

Her commitment has even earned her a Spirit of Hong Kong award nomination. How amazing is that?