Meet Hong Kong’s Skyline farmers

At Rooftop Republic, we’re transforming Hong Kong’s iconic skyline with lush urban farms. From skyscraper rooftops to unexpected city corners, we’re redefining what it means to live sustainably in one of the world’s busiest cities.

Our mission? To bring fresh, locally grown produce to your plate and inspire a greener, healthier lifestyle. Together, we’re creating a community that connects people to their food, their city, and their planet.

Join the movement that’s making urban farming not just possible, but essential. Let’s grow a greener Hong Kong, one rooftop at a time.

We’re sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

Rooftop Republic

Fusing traditional charm with modern aesthetics, capturing the essence of Cha Chaan Teng culture.

An icon of the city, serving up simple, hearty eats, Cha Chaan Teng continues to stand as an iconic embodiment of the city’s unique cultural fusion and a testament to the culinary dynamism of the city.

One of the defining characteristics of a Cha Chaan Teng is its menu, which features a diverse array of dishes catering to both Chinese and Western tastes. From classic offerings such as pineapple buns, sandwiches and Hong Kong-style milk tea to Western-inspired items like French toast. celebrates the enduring appeal and adaptability of Hong Kong’s Cha Chaan Teng culture.

Experience sleepyhead’s refreshing take on the traditional Cha Chaan Teng favourites!

“dancing wave”

Have you ever tried the “dancing wave” hand signal to catch a cross-harbour taxi🫳🏻 🌊?

It is a secret trick that not even all Hong Kongers know. Simply flatten your right hand and move it in a wave-like motion—just like a boat floating on the sea. This signals taxi drivers that you’re crossing the harbour, making it easier for the right taxi to find you. Trust me, with this trick, you’ll never face rejection from a taxi driver again.

Reimagined HK Classics

Embracing Traditions with a Modern Twist: Reimagined Cha Chaan Teng favourites.

A charming spot in the heart of the city, a sanctuary for you to escape from the monotony of routine while indulging in the simple pleasures of life.

Escape the hustle and bustle, fuel up on a refreshing take on beloved Cha Chaan Teng favourites while you enjoy a much-needed break.




🩷炒滑蛋呢樣野,本身就係出自西方嘅scrambled egg,其後慢慢平文化,炒蛋便愈來愈受港人歡迎。位於大坑順興嘅滑蛋飯真係非一般好味,蛋漿快速「炒兩炒」搭配埋蝦、叉燒、豬扒,甚至係夾入菠蘿包都一樣出色。當然唔少得嘅就係秘製甜豉油,撈飯一流!順興除了一般鋪面外,後巷仲有幾個帳篷,任何天氣都阻擋唔到出面大排長龍。🚶🏻🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♂️


🩷法國攝影師Henri Cartier-Bresson推崇的「決定性瞬間」(The decisive moment),為攝影界金石良言!打邊爐黎講,時間嘅掌握都十分重要⏱️!響鈴最佳享用時間係3秒、肥牛係13秒。而香港人係打邊爐上嘅multi-tasking更已經推到極致,可以飲湯又可以打邊爐,有啲仲可以食埋雞煲。老闆仲特別訂造1:1人手製作嘅戲棚花牌,真係忍唔住要打個卡。

Evelyn Choi









直到2013年,一切都唔同晒!嗰年,手工啤酒迷Rohit Dugar創立咗少爺啤酒廠,佢抱住一個夢想:將香港地道美食同本地手工啤酒完美結合,成為最佳拍檔!






Young Master

Taste of Tradition! 🍽️✨

Discover the charm of Hong Kong at 聯華茶餐廳, a beloved local eatery since 1966! With its rare two-story design and retro vibes, every corner tells a story. Come and experience the authentic flavors of our city!
