26 Restaurants. 30 Nationalities. 25 Languages.

Pirata Group was founded in 2014. Our staff, affectionately called “Pirates” – and there’s over 400 of us! – welcome more than 1.5 million guests annually. Neighbourhood pasta bar, seaside bakery, good times temakeria, nikkei izakaya… our restaurants are hotspots both for discerning locals and travellers-in-the-know.

As purveyors of international cuisines, we take pride not only in authenticity, but in taking an active role in driving global culinary conversations forward.

Of course we’re proud to have a work culture that attracts the crème de la crème of the world’s hospitality workforce. But we also know, deeply, that Hong Kong is immensely appealing for ambitious hospitality professionals seeking to make something of themselves.
The city’s frenetic energy, obsession with efficiency, and expectations of exceptional execution are a magnet for global talent.

If there ever was any doubt that Hong Kong remains one of the world’s leading culinary capitals, let them all be dispelled.

We’re sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

Pirata Group




香港身為亞熱帶都市,處境非常獨特。氣溫與濕度高,而且污染多,敏感情況普遍,導致很多外國護膚品都未必完全適合;加上城市步伐急速,講求高效的配方之餘亦不忘尋找最佳的選擇。所以factiv於科學園設立實驗室做研發,並建立以香港人為基礎的皮膚數據庫,生產出適合這種大都市的護膚品。我們都很喜歡早前一個電車廣告的campaign slogan: Facts are bulletproof. 我們認為這個也是香港人生活的哲學:儘管我們靈活多變,適應力強,但對於「求真」的精神絕不馬虎,亦不妥協。因此我們認為產品需要有很好的透明度,讓消費者能夠充分理解產品背後的原理和真相,接着便能夠按自己的需求選擇適合自己的產品。














Why HongKongers Still Turn to Print

They say print is dead. 📰☠️🪦

At least, that’s the common belief. But in Hong Kong, print isn’t just surviving; it’s thriving.

PostMag, the Sunday magazine of the South China Morning Post, has been a shining example of this for decades.

For many Hong Kongers, reading it is a cherished Sunday ritual—a moment to pause amidst the bustling city.

As Lee Williamson, Executive Director of Specialist Publications, puts it, part of the magazine’s appeal lies in providing a rare moment of stillness in a hyperstimulated world.

“When you read a magazine, it gives you a moment to recentre, where you don’t get a push notification—isn’t that blissful?”

This appreciation for print reflects Hong Kong’s spirit, where the past is celebrated alongside the new.

In a world dominated by screens, do you still read print?