







香港政府鼓勵生多啲?海洋公園率先幫牛鼻鯆做咗榜樣! 🏙️🌊🐟

香港人口下跌,政府仲成日叫大家「生多啲」。不過,香港海洋公園話:「唔使多講,我哋已經幫牛鼻鯆出手啦!」——牛鼻鯆係乜?佢係一種鯆魚,鯆魚又俗稱「魔鬼魚」!最近,海洋公園成功透過人工受孕,迎接咗香港首隻人工受孕嘅牛鼻鯆BB誕生! 🎉




你去探過呢隻牛鼻鯆BB未? 快啲去海洋公園感受下呢個史無前例嘅添丁喜訊啦!🐠🎉

Ocean Park

The World Famous Playground that Never Sleeps

🌟 Lan Kwai Fong – The World Famous Playground that Never Sleeps🌟 Lan Kwai Fong (LKF) is more than just a nightlife district; it’s a special place that embodies the unique spirit of Hong Kong. Over the past 60 years, LKF has transformed from a quiet alley into a bustling hub that attracts locals, tourists, and celebrities alike, putting Hong Kong on the global map as a premier destination for nightlife and culture.

Timeline of LKF’s Evolution:
🌸 60s: Originally a tranquil area known as “Orchid Square.”
🕺 70s: Opening of Disco Disco sparking the nightlife revolution
🍽️ 80s: Club 97 Opens & Allan Zeman opens California Restaurant and Bar, cornerstones of LKF nightlife.
🎉 1990s: Emergence of iconic venues like KEE Club and Volar.
🐉 2000s: Dragon-i opens, bringing celebrities and the glitterati.
🎶 Today: LKF hosts major events and cultural celebrations, reinforcing its status as a key gathering place.

From Halloween to New Year’s Eve, LKF is where the community comes together to celebrate. Its rich history and inclusive spirit make it a timeless landmark, showcasing the culture and resilience of Hong Kong.

We’re sharing this story as a @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories!

Lan Kwai Fong Group


Humchuk is here to give all people in Hong Kong a warm, big hug.

Hong Kong illustrator Ricky Luk, who goes by the name Humchuk, abandoned his career in architecture in 2014 and has since then created works inspired by stories from people he meets in Hong Kong.

Known for his iconic character “Mask Man”, he captures the everyday experiences and emotions of ordinary people, transforming conversations into artworks that provide solace, seeking to reveal hidden emotions in typically monochrome, minimalist works. Condensing his stories into short lines accompanied by healing affirmations, his work addresses the cycle of joy and sorrow, meeting and parting. Humchuk encourages his audience to take a renewed look at the meaning of loss and farewells.

See stories of You and I come to life under Humchuk’s brush.

Young Soy is sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

Young Soy







破指自愈 (Broken Fingers Plus) 與香港庇護工場合作九年多,協助身心障礙人士發揮才華,超越身心限制,以手縫皮具展現他們的韌性與創造力。每一件作品背後,都蘊藏著一個賦予生命意義、克服挑戰、展望未來的動人故事。


一起探索香港的精彩故事!我們與 @hknevernormal 合作,分享更多動人時刻。追蹤 @hknevernormal 了解更多!

Broken Fingers Plus






26 Restaurants. 30 Nationalities. 25 Languages.

Pirata Group was founded in 2014. Our staff, affectionately called “Pirates” – and there’s over 400 of us! – welcome more than 1.5 million guests annually. Neighbourhood pasta bar, seaside bakery, good times temakeria, nikkei izakaya… our restaurants are hotspots both for discerning locals and travellers-in-the-know.

As purveyors of international cuisines, we take pride not only in authenticity, but in taking an active role in driving global culinary conversations forward.

Of course we’re proud to have a work culture that attracts the crème de la crème of the world’s hospitality workforce. But we also know, deeply, that Hong Kong is immensely appealing for ambitious hospitality professionals seeking to make something of themselves.
The city’s frenetic energy, obsession with efficiency, and expectations of exceptional execution are a magnet for global talent.

If there ever was any doubt that Hong Kong remains one of the world’s leading culinary capitals, let them all be dispelled.

We’re sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

Pirata Group