3 個月 之前
Why HongKongers Still Turn to Print

They say print is dead. 📰☠️🪦

At least, that’s the common belief. But in Hong Kong, print isn’t just surviving; it’s thriving.

PostMag, the Sunday magazine of the South China Morning Post, has been a shining example of this for decades.

For many Hong Kongers, reading it is a cherished Sunday ritual—a moment to pause amidst the bustling city.

As Lee Williamson, Executive Director of Specialist Publications, puts it, part of the magazine’s appeal lies in providing a rare moment of stillness in a hyperstimulated world.

“When you read a magazine, it gives you a moment to recentre, where you don’t get a push notification—isn’t that blissful?”

This appreciation for print reflects Hong Kong’s spirit, where the past is celebrated alongside the new.

In a world dominated by screens, do you still read print?


3 個月 之前
Why HongKongers Still Turn to Print