A Ray of Hope

As a coastal city, Hong Kong has always had a unique bond with the ocean. 🏙️🌊⚓

To safeguard the oceans and combat the decline of marine biodiversity, breeding programmes for marine life have become essential under human care.

Recently, Ocean Park Hong Kong achieved a major breakthrough by recording the first live birth of a cownose ray pup via artificial insemination!

Over several weeks, Ocean Park’s dedicated teams trained the rays for voluntary examinations, allowing the artificial insemination procedure to be performed without sedation.

This remarkable success paves the way for the ex-situ conservation of this endangered species while providing insights into their behaviours and reproductive patterns!

Here are a few key learnings:

The gestation period of cownose rays is over a year (61 weeks and 2 days, to be precise)!

Successful artificial Insemination involves keeping the rays healthy and conducting regular pregnancy follow-ups.

Ocean Park can now apply Artificial Reproductive Techniques to other species, too!

Have you visited the baby ray yet?

Ocean Park




香港身為亞熱帶都市,處境非常獨特。氣溫與濕度高,而且污染多,敏感情況普遍,導致很多外國護膚品都未必完全適合;加上城市步伐急速,講求高效的配方之餘亦不忘尋找最佳的選擇。所以factiv於科學園設立實驗室做研發,並建立以香港人為基礎的皮膚數據庫,生產出適合這種大都市的護膚品。我們都很喜歡早前一個電車廣告的campaign slogan: Facts are bulletproof. 我們認為這個也是香港人生活的哲學:儘管我們靈活多變,適應力強,但對於「求真」的精神絕不馬虎,亦不妥協。因此我們認為產品需要有很好的透明度,讓消費者能夠充分理解產品背後的原理和真相,接着便能夠按自己的需求選擇適合自己的產品。



