A COLOURFUL NOSTALGIA: Introducing Kitty Wong

Kitty Wong is an award winning illustrator based in Hong Kong. Having spent her formative years in Canada, Kitty has been capturing the memories she has of her childhood city Hong Kong for over a decade. She is best known for her fashion sketches, which celebrate the bold, vibrant and colourful world of haute couture.

Her recent works resonate as a love letter to her childhood city, caricaturising its famed landmarks, cuisine and heritage with a dash of whimsy, sass, and vibrancy. Through whimsical portrayals of Hong Kong’s iconic Hong Kong Cha Chaan Teng dishes, street food, bustling traffic, and even fun Cantonese expressions, she has captured the hearts of many locals and Asian diasporas.

Time travel back to the Hong Kong of your childhood memories with Kitty.

Young Soy is sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

Young Soy

“香港地遍地都係非比尋常嘅想法I’m not the only one”


Serrini @gwendolyn.spot : 作為一個平常來講都非常「唔尋常」的異類歌手/唱作人/普通市民來說,每日活著就是非常有趣嘅體驗。我一直希望廣交更多人類朋友,連結港大(廣大)嘅市民,並非常自然地結交寵物、兒童新朋友,最直接嘅做法係走入社區,聆聽民意,以心連心。”

“鑽石娛樂選擇喺山道63號B開設一間社區小店 “樹店” @shuuudim,書籍雜貨一應俱全,自開業起,樹店慢慢成為社區熱點。由於地點座落三間小學的中間,每日放學時間都被學生喧嘩聲圍繞。免費嘅「夾公仔機」、自由借閱嘅店內藏書、清幽的花園環境都令唔少區內學生嚟「齋坐」,好不熱鬧。”

“令更多人能感受到連結嘅快樂(the joy of connection)就係我哋鑽石娛樂嘅快樂。香港地遍地都係非比尋常嘅想法,I’m not the only one 🎄。”



維港泳自1906年創辦,雖然曾經停辦多年,但近年重新復辦,成為香港最具代表性的游泳盛事之一。歐鎧淳@stephaniehsau 亦都曾經參加了這個盛事,與千幾名泳手一同在維港中暢泳,體驗這個「香港不一樣」的瞬間。🏊🏻‍♀️



Stephanie Au




破指自愈 (Broken Fingers Plus) 與香港庇護工場合作九年多,協助身心障礙人士發揮才華,超越身心限制,以手縫皮具展現他們的韌性與創造力。每一件作品背後,都蘊藏著一個賦予生命意義、克服挑戰、展望未來的動人故事。


一起探索香港的精彩故事!我們與 @hknevernormal 合作,分享更多動人時刻。追蹤 @hknevernormal 了解更多!

Broken Fingers Plus






26 Restaurants. 30 Nationalities. 25 Languages.

Pirata Group was founded in 2014. Our staff, affectionately called “Pirates” – and there’s over 400 of us! – welcome more than 1.5 million guests annually. Neighbourhood pasta bar, seaside bakery, good times temakeria, nikkei izakaya… our restaurants are hotspots both for discerning locals and travellers-in-the-know.

As purveyors of international cuisines, we take pride not only in authenticity, but in taking an active role in driving global culinary conversations forward.

Of course we’re proud to have a work culture that attracts the crème de la crème of the world’s hospitality workforce. But we also know, deeply, that Hong Kong is immensely appealing for ambitious hospitality professionals seeking to make something of themselves.
The city’s frenetic energy, obsession with efficiency, and expectations of exceptional execution are a magnet for global talent.

If there ever was any doubt that Hong Kong remains one of the world’s leading culinary capitals, let them all be dispelled.

We’re sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.

Pirata Group



