A COLOURFUL NOSTALGIA: Introducing Kitty Wong
Kitty Wong is an award winning illustrator based in Hong Kong. Having spent her formative years in Canada, Kitty has been capturing the memories she has of her childhood city Hong Kong for over a decade. She is best known for her fashion sketches, which celebrate the bold, vibrant and colourful world of haute couture.
Her recent works resonate as a love letter to her childhood city, caricaturising its famed landmarks, cuisine and heritage with a dash of whimsy, sass, and vibrancy. Through whimsical portrayals of Hong Kong’s iconic Hong Kong Cha Chaan Teng dishes, street food, bustling traffic, and even fun Cantonese expressions, she has captured the hearts of many locals and Asian diasporas.
Time travel back to the Hong Kong of your childhood memories with Kitty.
Young Soy is sharing this story as a proud partner of @hknevernormal, an initiative dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary nature of our city. Follow @hknevernormal for more inspiring stories.